Register campsite

At this time, is the most visited and highest rated information platform for Dutch campers. As a reliable source of information, we introduce thousands of campsites to millions of campers each year. In order for us to continue to realise, improve and ensure this, we charge an annual publication fee. This fee implies the following:
✓ a campsite text and a text on the surrounding area for your anwbcamping page, which are both optimized for Google. As a result, campers will be able to find your campsite easier and faster.
✓ a clickable link, prominently positioned on your anwbcamping page, to your own website
✓ the possibility to display no less than 15 quality photos, to improve the presentation of your campsite at considerably, resulting in increased online performance.

The standard fee for an online listing is € 250. For campsites that can be booked on and / or participate in the CKE discount program, a lower amount of € 150 applies. When purchasing an online campsite package (Medium, Large or X-large), online publication is included as standard and the fee as a whole is canceled. For more information about an online campsite package, contact our ambassador in your region or send an email to

Do you have any questions? View our “FAQ publication fee” under the FAQ tab. Didn't find an answer to your question? Send an email to

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